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Recent Movie Reviews

49 Movie Reviews

Instant classic.

OrganizedApeShape responds:

donald dig

Loving the No More Heroes representation.

This rocks! Love your cartoons dude, this one made me LOL.

Recent Game Reviews

4 Game Reviews

Neat little game! I think the gameplay concept is interesting and can feel fun and snappy, but it has some issues. The biggest issue is the fact that the player sprite oftentimes obscures the enemy sprite. Even though you're able to see the through his sprite, it impacts the gameplay because you can only see through the player sprite when the cursor is over it. Since you're trying to dispose of enemies as fast as possible, it's a pretty big issue. The aim sway is also too heavy. It's an interesting stylistic choice but isn't particularly fun. I think having a mild sway or none at all would be ideal for a quick and snappy game like this. But overall the game is visually charming and has great music. For a game made in a few weeks, pretty good. You've got a great skill set so I look forward to more of your future games!

One of you needs to send me the onyx.cur and jam2.wav files please. (Also the game is fun! Really fun puzzles!)

CaperCube responds:

Thanks yo!
And yeah, I got you

I've been playing this game pretty frequently since it came out. I think the concept is genius!

Evil-Dog responds:

yeah it's on my task list to make it a mobile game would work great hehe

Recent Audio Reviews

42 Audio Reviews

I really love this track. Amazing composition as always!

Jukestar responds:

Wow! Thank you very much!

Great track! Reminds me a bit of Ikaruga too, I think there's a sample that sounds super similar to one from that game.

AlxEllis responds:

Thank you so much! I need to check out Ikaruga! im on a shmup journey!

Glad you enjoyed the track!

Absolutely loved this track. I'm a huge fan of breakcore, so I'm looking forward to more of your music! I'll definitely be listening to your backlog. Hope your work gets frontpaged and featured soon, because it's 100% deserving of a frontpage spot.

Recent Art Reviews

920 Art Reviews

This is an amazing piece man, keep it up!

sanstrongstyles responds:

Thank you as always, Psych! I'll try to!

Great art style! Super cute!

Great doodles! They all look stylish.

I love Newgrounds.

Age 26, ♂️


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