Great attention to detail and I love the colors. You sure those aren't sugar skulls?
Great attention to detail and I love the colors. You sure those aren't sugar skulls?
what makes you think theyre sugar skulls?
Fuck those radicals and there warped ideals. There shouldn't be any limitations in art. A pencil should be a tool to project everything and anything your mind can come up with. Not really sure if this will ever sink into their thick and arrogant skulls, but always worth a shot.
You seem to misunderstand what a radical Muslim or person of Islamic faith is. The terrorists aren't radicals, they're fundamentalists, meaning, they're are following sharia law and what is written in the Q'ran.
The "moderates", the ones who truly try to live in the modern world, those are the radicals.
Thanks :)
Great work man!
Looks amazing!
<3 Thanks so much!
Pretty rad! Looks amazing!
thank you very much! :D
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At the edge of the Earth
Joined on 11/13/13